Athletic Greens versus the Competition

To enjoy a healthy lifestyle it’s obvious that you must make conscious choices about the foods and supplements you consume. While some foods may be rich in healthy nutrients others may not be ideal for the benefit of your physical development. No surprises there!
So, obviously, consuming a balanced diet is one of the many ways to ensure good health. However, some people may find it difficult to watch their diet because of any number of reasons. Such individuals can benefit by taking superfoods such as Athletic Greens, which is undoubtedly one of the highest quality blends on the market today.
A Brief Review of Athletic Greens
This is a whole food supplement that the company touts as the most carefully formulated. We’re going to review it briefly here (I say briefly, because we’re going to be writing a more specific review of Athletic Greens after we have a few weeks of using it under our belts – so stay tuned! We’ll point you to our review here once it’s ready.).
What’s in the Mix?
The powder is packed with a variety of ingredients to ensure that you’ll get all the basic nutrients for healthy physical development. In general, the supplement is comprised of the following properties:
Multivitamin – this ingredient allows the body to acquire easy to absorb vitamins which facilitate proper functioning of the body and development of organs. Multivitamins ensure that your body has all the key nutrients while also boosting your appetite.
Multimineral – each mineral provides a particular benefit to the body. I think we all know by now that there are great benefits derived from minerals. Minerals help development of strong bones, DNA synthesis, maintain alkaline balance and convert blood sugar into energy.
Digestive enzyme blend – this ingredient is included to help facilitate the process through which your body breaks down foods into nutrients and absorbs them into the system.
Detox and liver support – this property is added to ensure that your body is able to get rid of any organisms that may compromise proper functioning of the body system. The ingredient also works by facilitating proper functioning of the liver.
Probiotics – these are live microorganisms that can be introduced into the body to help in managing or preventing certain diseases. They are known to boost development of a healthy digestive tract and strong immune system.
Prebiotics – just like the previously mentioned ingredient prebiotics help the body digest nutrients effectively. They also boost the immune system and reduce the pH in the gut.
Neural support formula – this ingredient is designed to ensure that the nerves system of the body is working optimally. Nerves are an important competent of natural reflex and body movement or coordination which is why they must be protected.
Other ingredients – there are also other components that ensure hormonal balance and proper blood sugar levels in the body. Together all the components of Athletic Greens work to boost physical fitness and health. UPDATE: We have now more fully discussed Athletic Greens ingredients here.
It Also Just Tastes Good
While trying out the formula one of the most striking effects is that it tastes delicious which is a good thing when it comes to supplements. This is echoed by others (teams of testers outside of this website) who have stated that they experience an increase in energy levels after taking the formula for about 1 week.
None of the testers whose initial reviews we’ve read developed any negative side effects which is why this formula comes off as a good option for anyone wishing to make gains.
Athletic Greens is suitable for just about every diet including vegan, paleo, primal, and more. It’s non-GMO, and has NO added sugar, NO wheat or yeast, and NO eggs, dairy or nuts.
In our view, it’s pretty much the perfect blend.
But, to be fair to other brands, let’s have a look at how they seem to compare with some of their competition:
Athletic Greens versus Shakeology
Shakeology is another supplement that is available in a mix. Owned and sold by BeachBody (the same folks behind programs like P90X, PiYo, Country Heat, and others), it combines a wide range of ingredients that are aimed at providing the user with the basic building blocks for good physical development.
This supplement is made up of a fair percent of protein (about 17 grams in a 42 gram packet from what we see on their nutrition label) which works in boosting the level of energy in the body. Fiber and healthy fats are among the components that allow you to feel fuller for longer hours thus enabling you to avoid craving junk food.
Individuals that wish to lose weight can benefit from using this supplement because it ensures that they do not consume a lot of food. Inclusion of digestive enzymes and a blend of probiotics allows you to develop a healthy intestinal tract and facilitate absorption of nutrients into the body system.
While Athletic Greens emphasizes the ability to boost energy and general body health, Shakeology features ingredients that are aimed at making you feel full so that you are able to avoid overfeeding and by extension lose weight.
Both supplements have components that help boost the general health of the body. It is worth pointing out that Shakeology is available in a variety of flavors giving you the freedom to choose.
Note, however, that Shakeology contains milk and sugar, which Athletic Greens does not include.
Green Vibrance versus Athletic Greens
Green Vibrance is a blend that is designed to ensure optimal performance of cells in the human body. The makers of this supplement argue that with the right type of nutrients and minerals in the body, human beings can achieve greater success when it comes to thought processes, endurance levels and energy.
This supplement has similarities with Athletics Greens because it has components that boost energy levels and boost the general immune system. It is intended to support cardiovascular health while also ensuring that nutrient absorption is effective. With the right type of nourishment the body is able to cope with strenuous activity and infections.
According to the manufacturer, Green Vibrance can be used by just about anyone without posing any danger to health. They refer to it as a food, rather than a supplement. Some people who love it include athletes and adults finding it difficult to obtain all their nutrients through normal feeding. It is available in a variety of packages with each one having a unique price range. You can compare more at their official Amazon Vibrant Health Storefront HERE
Vital Greens versus Athletic Greens
Vital Greens is an Australian made product (it is also available on Amazon), whose powder blend is also touted as being one of the best when it comes to fast absorption into the body system. All the ingredients in the package are extracted from natural dense vegetables, fruits and herbs. This makes it an all natural option. Compared to Athletic Greens this supplement has significantly more ingredients. The recommended dosage is two teaspoons of the powder mixed in liquid for each day.
The ingredients in the formula contain antioxidant properties which are vital in protecting the human cells. There is an acid-alkaline balance in this product. While Athletic Greens is big on cleansing of the liver, Vital Greens are designed a little differently. Their ingredients appear to target a “whole body” effect.
Probiotics and digestive enzymes are among the ingredients you’ll find here. These are said to boost the health of the digestive tract while promoting a stronger immune system. Ingredients extracted from herbs are mainly designed to keep the nervous system in optimal condition. Like other greens, this product contains essential minerals and nutrients.
Just like Athletic Greens, this supplement is hailed for having a sweet taste. It is available in four packages with the smallest being the 120 grams container (approx 4.23 ounces) and the largest being a 1 kilogram container (approx 2.2. pounds).
Another similarity is that the protein in the blend is vegan (pea protein).
Vitamineral Green versus Athletic Greens
Vitamineral Green is created by naturopath Dr. Jameth Sheridan, whose company HealthForce markets it. It’s a powdered and raw food formula made from vegetables, herbs and fruits. It’s also a nutritionally dense and non-sweetened alternative.
It has properties that are said to support proper blood sugar levels. Just like Athletic Greens, this formula is believed to be capable of boosting the immune system while facilitating natural detoxification of the body.
Mineral components in the formula ensure that users are able to gain stronger bones and muscles while vitamins and proteins make it possible for the body to fight off diseases and infections. This supplement also supports proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system.
I personally used Vitamineral Green for a number of years before venturing out to try other green food blends, and so I can speak further about the product.
The flavor is “earthy,” and honestly has always reminded me of fresh-cut grass – something I personally enjoyed. If you are looking for a sweet mix, this is not the one for you. There simply is nothing sweet in the blend.
What I have always admired about Jameth Sheridan is his undying passion for providing that absolute best quality products.
This is probably the closest in quality to Athletic Greens. For a truly hard-core purity-driven customer, Vitamineral Green might be something to consider. It comes in a dark glass bottle – which means no plastic. There are no fillers, which is most similar to Athletic Greens. Its non-GMO, vegan, and paleo-friendly profile also make it most like Athletic Greens.
Check it out at Amazon HERE.
The superfoods we just examined can all be considered an Athletic Greens alternative, and generally offer the same effect to people that use them. Most of these products have at least some ingredients in common. One may vary from another with a slight variation or addition. For the most part, they all contain extracts that are taken from mother nature which is why we are convinced they are safe for human consumption.
Athletic Greens may offer users more energy and promote efficient digestion of nutrients as far as their claims are concerned. Note, however that the other products are also capable of providing a significant level of these benefits. It really depends what you are looking for in your diet.
For example, if your primary goal is to lose weight and use a meal replacement shake, Shakeology might be for you. (By the way, if you ARE looking strictly for a meal replacement shake, and not necessarily a “greens” drink, check out our IdealShape Meal Replacement Review HERE.)
If your goal is to use the absolute purist raw food possible and stored in a glass container, you might opt for Vitamineral Green.
Other People’s Recommendations Are Convincing
Athletic Greens is the only one we found to come recommended by people from more than one walk of life. For example, take well-known productivity expert Tim Ferris. Not only does he recommend it, but so does a United States Army Colonel, a model, and a cancer survivor.
Finally, there is one more thing that we’d like to point out about Athletic Greens. And this is something that is a major plus for us. The company has ONE product on its website, and that product is Athletic Greens. It doesn’t confuse things by trying to distract you or point to another offering. What you see is what you get. It’s an easy website to navigate and learn from, and an easy site to order from.
We just added our first Athletic Greens review video below this post. Have a look so you can see the labels up close for yourself!
Ready to try Athletic Greens? Great! Click Here Now!