Facts About Using Azo Pills to Pass a Drug Test
Drug tests are a troublesome part of retaining your job and still enjoying a well-deserved joint every now and then. Of course most products and methods out there that are designed to help you pass your drug test are trial and error and are subject to many factors such as the rate of usage, body fat and so on.
Azo is a brand of medication that treats urinary tract infections and even though some people say these can aid in passing a drug test, these can actually interfere with an accurate urinalysis reading, and we would not recommend using these is you are looking to pass a drug test.
These could be used in conjunction with another detox product for drug testing, as a way to add to the process, but alone these are not effective in cleansing the system. If you did use these with a detox product, you also want to give at least 24 hours for the AZO product to leave your system.
How To Use The Azo Pills
Azo comes in standard pills as well so you need to make sure you buy the cranberry variety as they are thought to be more effective for this purpose.
Start taking Azo Cranberry pills a few days before your drug test and do not be surprised if your urine turns brown, orange or plum colored. The main principle behind these pills is that they clean out your urinary tract.
However if you haven’t given your body enough time to adjust your urine being a funny color can actually be an indicator that you are a user so you need to drink a little extra water to get the urine back to its normal color and to help get all the toxins out. You can also pair this process with lots of orange juice to maximize the detox process.
As this so-called method to help pass a drug test has been around for a long time, there are a few caveats that you need to be aware of before you opt for this method.
Firstly you need to use a good detox product, and you likely want to use it with a some extra cleansing liquids like lemon water, green tea or just lots of regular water to really rid your system of toxins.
Try to give yourself a few days as Azo Cranberry is not something which is going to work wonders overnight. You need time to cleanse your system and you should not expect to pass before then.
These pills are also of no use if the method is a blood test or a hair root test and you will need to use a different product such as a detoxification shampoo for a hair test.
The key to passing is being informed with regard to dates and the type of test you will be required to undertake by your employer. Most drug tests are urine based so that is a bonus because it is easiest to cheat with a urine test.
If you have very little time before your test, do not take the risk of taking Azo Cranberry pills and opt for fake urine or powdered urine to help you pass.