Get Your Probiotics From Foods Along With Supplements

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If you were to visit North America from a country in the Far East or another planet, it would seem the people who live here can’t get their nutrition from actual food. They can only obtain vitamins, minerals, necessary metals, fatty acids, and probiotics out of a bottle.

Swallowing pills, chewing tablets, and swallowing concentrated liquid vitamins is their answer to whole-body health and wellness, to anti-aging, and to disease prevention. They have forgotten how to eat real food and why they should be doing so. The strange ideas of sci-fi writers are coming to fruition: soon, consumers will not require real food at all. Their diet will revolve around three vitamin pills swallowed daily plus a fiber supplement every morning.

Bad Bacteria

This goes for every sort of nutrient the body should obtain including probiotics. These are the bacteria which should inhabit one’s digestive system naturally and as a result of good food choices in order to devour bad bacteria which cause assorted ailments. Malnutrition is, ironically, assailing an obese population unable to absorb minerals and vitamins.

Digestive complaints can often be traced to a prevalence of bad bacteria. These creatures in one’s GI tract tend to thrive in an unhealthy environment where one consumes too many refined carbohydrates and an over-abundance of grease. Bad bacteria love sugar which the body cannot use in the amounts consumed by average North Americans.

While vast amounts of the stuff are stored as fat, the rest is being eaten by multiplying bacteria which cause bloating, diarrhea, constipation, weight gain, nausea, and cramping. If you eat a lot of baked goods, even those fortified with vitamins and minerals, you could be suffering from some or all of these symptoms.

Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are good bacteria. Your gut requires many millions or billions of them to live and grow here. They help the body to digest food and also to absorb nutrients from it. Many people obtain their supply of probiotics by taking supplements: pills and liquids usually.

There is a better way to ingest probiotics; a cheaper way in fact: eat fermented foods. These are products for which bacteria are fundamental to production such as yogurt, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, and miso.

Eating these foods regularly will encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria if you do not augment them with refined starches (flour and sugar). Even brands of yogurt full of sugar and binders like xanthum and guar gums are considered better than not eating yogurt at all, although low-fat plain yogurt or kefir is preferable.

Regular Dose

If you are allergic to dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, and cream, for example), it might seem the probiotic supplement is your only answer. Soy is also a problem for many consumers. A problematic diet could lead to trouble in this area.

Always obtain your foods from non-GMO sources, and if this doesn’t negate problems with gastric intolerance then try fermented vegetables. They are not to everyone’s liking, so it might be that in your particular case a pill is the only answer. A regular dose is necessary but futile if you are inclined to continue eating badly.

You can expect to experience some irregularity or discomfort for a little while. This is because your body is responding to a new regimen and getting rid of invading bacteria. The result is more frequent and often urgent bowel movements followed by a calmer GI tract after several days as long as you stick to the program.

Stop Eating Bad Food

Your body will not respond to probiotics fully if you keep eating refined foods. While you see a change in your ability to absorb nutrients and perhaps reduced symptoms of distress, there are better results in store for the person who fully embraces a healthy diet rich in probiotics and whole food, especially high-fiber foods, every color of vegetable, and lean protein. Replace simple carbohydrates with whole grains. Swap cold cereal for hot oatmeal and sprinkle it with berries instead of table sugar.

You might even discover that over time your intolerance to certain foods disappears including lactose intolerance. Try introducing small amounts of yogurt, low-fat cheese (feta is good), cottage cheese, and milk into your diet and see what happens. Sample wheat in the form of couscous and whole grain bread.

Experiments might not lead to success either but in the meantime you know what to do about probiotics and will likely experience relief from cramps, bloating, embarrassing gas, and nausea. As a bonus, it’s most likely you will shed unwanted pounds as well.

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