Foods That Are High In Iron And Fiber

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Fiber and iron are essential for good health. When you want a healthier digestive system, healthy blood, and lower cholesterol, choose foods that contain both of these nutrients.


This old-fashioned favorite is plentiful in iron and soluble fiber. If you do not have time to prepare it, or prefer a different taste, instant oatmeal provides the same benefits as cooking raw oatmeal from scratch.

Oatmeal is a delicious way to start a day, or a comforting snack in the evening. If you want more fiber, add slices of raw apple to your oatmeal.


There are many uses for raisins. Rich in both iron and fiber, they can be added to many recipes, or eaten directly from the box.

Nuts And Seeds

One ounce of roasted sunflower seeds provide 2 mg. of iron and 3 g. of fiber. An ounce of almonds has 1 mg. of iron and 3 g. of fiber. Other products containing iron and fiber include pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, cashews, and peanuts. They can be used in salads and other recipes, or eaten as a snack.

Cold Cereal

Many cold breakfast cereals are fortified with iron. Some have up to 11 g. of fiber. Cereal is a quick, ready-to-eat option when you do not have time to prepare breakfast, or want a healthy snack at any time.


Beans are naturally high in iron and protein. One example is the pinto bean. There are 3.6 mg. of iron in each one-cup serving. Other options include lima beans and black-eyed peas.

Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat breads provide more health benefits than white bread. You can have .9 mg. of iron, and healthy fiber in every slice.

Passion Fruit

Many fruits provide fiber, but not much iron. An exception is passion fruit. There is almost 4 mg. of iron in one cup. Along with 25 g. of fiber, it is a healthy choice.


Similar to fruit, healthy vegetables often provide plenty of fiber but little iron. When you want both nutrients in one vegetable, add beets to your diet. As there are numerous ways to prepare beets, you can find an option that you like.


Olives are rich in both fiber and iron. As there are many types to choose from, look for olives with the lowest sodium content for optimum health benefits.


This delicious green vegetable has 1.5 g. of dietary fiber and 4% of your daily requirement of iron in each half-cup serving. When boiled, it is a nutritious addition to any lunch or dinner.


The artichoke is another vegetable that provides iron as well as fiber. If you want the highest iron content, purchase a fresh, raw artichoke and roast it at home. Along with dietary fiber, you will have 1.3 mg. of iron in a serving.

Berries For Fiber

Berries such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are high in fiber.

Your Diet And Your Health

The healthiest diet is a balanced diet. You need a wide variety of nutrients to stay healthy. As there are so many health benefits to iron and fiber, add some of these foods to your daily diet.

You will also reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity. You can have a healthier brain, cells, and muscles. As all of these foods are delicious, they can be enjoyed by everyone in your family. From meals to snacks, they are healthy additions to your diet.

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