Tips For Dealing With A Traumatic Injury
Traumatic injury is the sixth leading cause of death worldwide, and among those aged under 35, it is the leading cause of death and disability. ‘Trauma’ in itself is a term that varies widely in terms of type of injury and severity, and its management relies on a wide array of surgical specialities. Some of the most serious types of traumatic injuries are traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, fractures, amputation, facial trauma, concussion, acoustic trauma, and crush injuries. If you have just been through trauma, there are many steps to take to make your recovery as positive and effective as possible.
Knowing Your Legal Rights
If the personal injury you have sustained was caused by the negligence or ill intent of a person or organization, it is important to obtain legal advice as soon as you can so you can work out whether or not you can look forward to receiving compensation. Healing from a traumatic injury can take weeks, months, or even years. Having a financial ‘nest’ to fall back on will ease any worries about economic survival, and enable you to consider a wider range of options, some of which may be novel and costly.
Receiving Psychological Support
Surviving trauma and emerging as a strong, positive person requires acknowledging feelings such as helplessness, fear, and worry about the future. It is important to receive support; sometimes, this can be obtained from friends and family. However, if you find that you are depressed or that you develop anxiety, therapy will be key in terms of teaching you positive coping skills. Traumatic injuries can be closely linked to mental conditions. For instance, around 50% of all people who have a traumatic brain injury develop depression within the first year of the injury. Even more (two-thirds) are affected within seven years post-event. This is because an injury can result in physical changes to the brain, but even if it doesn’t, it often presents big challenges that require people to make changes to their lives.
Embracing Relaxation Strategies
Relaxation strategies such as yoga and mindfulness meditation can help lower the stress you may be feeling as you recover from a traumatic injury. One 2018 study by researchers at Trinity College Dublin found that breath-focused meditation and yogic breathing practices increase the ability to focus, instil positive emotions, and decrease emotional reactivity. The researchers stated that human attention is affected by our breathing. By focusing on and regulating breath, you can optimize your concentration level, and likewise, by focusing on your concentration, you can synchronize your breathing. Yoga and meditation are just two powerful, 100% natural ways to keep stress levels down. Others include time spent in nature, progressive muscle relaxation, music therapy, and art therapy.
If you have had a traumatic brain injury, taking a proactive approach from the start is key. This is because you can feel like you are in control of your recovery and you will feel more confident about your progress when you are on a set plan. Your strategy should cover financial matters, mental health, and stress relief. With respect to the latter, you may find that various approaches rather than one alone may be more effective.