The One-Minute Cure: Gimmick Or Healing Miracle?
Holistic practitioners believe the body can be stimulated to heal itself of almost any disease. Naturopathic and many Asian forms of healing agree either completely or to a certain extent that human cells have the capacity, when given the right stimuli and environment, to fight virtually any disease.
According to some alternative and even many mainstream health care practitioners, consumers take too many drugs and undergo surgery far more often than they need to. Western treatment covers up symptoms of disease: it doesn’t get to the bottom of what is really the matter.
Determining the Cause
What is wrong with the average human body? Why are so many people sick with Type 2 Diabetes, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Cancer, to name just a few causes of suffering and death? Is there one single catalyst for all of these conditions, suggesting a single cure could also be available for each one?
According to a doctor named Otto Warburg, blood cells do not get enough oxygen. People breathe, but oxygen doesn’t get into the blood. He claimed that the reasons for this include poor air quality and ineffective breathing. The latter claim gives even more weight to emphasis placed on breathing in yoga practice and the wisdom of Asian exercises and healing methods. People really don’t breathe fully and deeply. They hold their breath too often. Since so many Western consumers are unfit, it’s no wonder they spend a lot of time taking short, shallow breaths that don’t transport oxygen to their cells.
European Phenomenon
Proponents of the One-Minute Cure claim that European doctors and alternative therapists have known about the power of oxygenating blood cells as a cure for disease for a very long time. It’s only in North America that a cover up is taking place. People have become reliant on over-the-counter medication and prescriptions from their doctors to manage daily life when all they really need is a single minute to relearn all they know about good health. There are thousands of articles expounding the benefits of the One-Minute Cure. Why doesn’t everyone know about it by now?
Cure for What?
A book fittingly titled “The One-Minute Cure” written by Madison Cavanaugh is lauded by numerous readers who believe it has made a dramatic difference in their lives. They claim to have been cured of all kinds of illnesses, even as they prepared for the end of their lives. Promotional material suggests there are no limits to the pathology this 70 year-old method can overcome. AIDS, cancer, and MS are only a sample.
Readers say the format is simple and there doesn’t appear to be another motive in writing the book besides telling the world how easy it is to effect a cure that costs almost nothing. What’s the catch? Is Cavanaugh about to launch a brand of supplements or meal replacements; maybe a series of helpful videos?
A Catch?
There doesn’t seem to be any kind of catch or gimmick associated with the book. Then again, one can’t convincingly argue that Cavanaugh is being altruistic here either. She could just tell everyone on her website for free how to get health, so she’s making some money out of her revelations as well.
Readers shouldn’t fault her for that though: if what she says is true, several medically related industries could collapse. The pharmaceutical industry would go down if people could end pain and suffering without their help. Medical experts will always have their place, but they would mainly be needed to treat injury, hemorrhage, and broken bones.
It’s a long shot that they will be replaced in any case, however, since Westerners are tied into the system so fully they don’t know what to do without doctors and drugs.