Best Practices for Oral Health
Achieving perfect oral health can take a lifetime of care. Even when everyone compliments your teeth, it doesn’t mean your teeth health is perfect. You need to take small steps every day of your life to take care of your mouth to prevent any underlying problems in the future. This often involves timely visit to the dentist, the right kind of oral hygiene products, and a little responsibility when it comes to daily habits.
Here are a few best practices for oral health that ensure your teeth, gums, and mouth stay healthy for the years to come.
Never go to bed without brushing your teeth
Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is considered mandatory for perfect oral hygiene and health, yet a lot of us neglect this important part of oral hygiene practice, especially at night. Brushing your teeth before bed is the best way to get rid of any plaque and germs accumulated in your mouth. If not cleaned properly before going to bed, bacteria can grow at an accelerated pace leading to various oral health problems.
Never brush casually
The way you brush your teeth plays an important part in keeping your teeth health in check. Casually brushing your teeth and ignoring the important parts of your mouth is as bad as not brushing in the first place. So make sure when you brush, you brush with extra care and take as much time as you need. Be gentle on your teeth and use circular motions to remove excess plaque.
Make teeth flossing an important part of your routine
Flossing teeth is often overlooked as a crucial part of your oral hygiene routine. It is impossible for a regular tooth brush to reach areas between your teeth, hence excess plaque can remain between the teeth spaces, completely unknown to you. By flossing your teeth, you not only make sure that excess plaque in hard to reach areas is removed, but it also helps stimulating the gums which ultimately reduces gum inflammation.
Avoid sugary, sticky and acidic foods
Sugary, sticky, and acidic foods erode the enamel of your teeth. When you eat these foods in excess, they lead to cavities. Even ‘healthy fruits’ and ‘vegetables’ acidic in nature need to be consumed with care. You don’t have to give up on acidic or sugary foods altogether, but it is necessary to be mindful of what goes into your mouth.
Visit the dentist at least twice a year
While everyday oral hygiene practices help protect your teeth, gums, and mouth from various diseases, sometimes it is necessary to visit a dentist. It is recommended to visit a dentist at least twice a year with 6 months gap in between.
For example, my friend, a dentist in westchester ca will thoroughly check your oral health and will effectively remove any calculus while looking for cavities that are unknown to you. Dentists are also able to spot potential diseases taking root in your mouth in a timely manner. If caught on time, just about any oral health problem can be dealt with before it gets worse.
Plus the best part is the dentist may recommend even more innovative ways to take care of your oral health!