What’s The Difference Between Fructose, Glucose And Sucrose?

Fructose, glucose, and sucrose are all sugars, but they have different purposes and come from different sources. When you are familiar with the differences, it can help you stay healthy.

What Is Fructose?

There are different types of fructose. In its natural state, it is found in most fruits. While too much fructose can lead to weight gain and health issues, it is primarily due to excess calories.

Natural fructose from fruit is generally considered to be a healthy form of sugar. It also has a low glycemic index.

In contrast, high fructose corn syrup is not as healthy. It combines fructose with other sugars. High fructose corn syrup can be found in many popular foods.

Whether your concern is your weight or your general health, it is better to avoid this type of sweetener.

One of the main health concerns regarding fructose is an excess of this sugar turns into visceral fat. Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat, as it affects your internal organs. Although natural fructose is safer than corn syrup, it is unwise to consume too much.

What Is Glucose?

Glucose is your body’s source of energy. Also known as blood sugar, your body obtains glucose by breaking down certain foods. Your primary source of glucose are complex carbohydrates.

Some common products containing complex carbohydrates include whole grain cereal, whole grain breads, squash, corn, potatoes, pasta, and legumes.

What Is Sucrose?

Natural sucrose can be found in some vegetables and fruits and many plants. However, the most common form of sucrose is table sugar. Table sugar is made from either sugar beets or sugar cane.

When you consume sucrose, it separates into fructose and glucose units. These two sugars will be used by your body as if they had been consumed separately.

If you have the habit of adding table sugar to various foods, try to break the habit. You can enjoy cereals and other products without sugar.

Is Sugar Harmful?

Your body needs energy to function. If you are like many people, you also enjoy sweet foods and beverages. While you should limit your intake of sugar for the sake of your weight and your general health, you can gain the benefits of sugar without the complications.

Become accustomed to foods and beverages that do not contain added sugar. If sugar is a product’s main appeal, avoid it altogether.

From soft drinks to desserts, you can do without the sugar and the calories. As artificial sweeteners come with their own health hazards, you should not use artificial sugar substitutes.

Develop the habit of reading labels so you know what you are eating and drinking. Avoid products containing high fructose corn syrup as much as possible.

With these exceptions, sugar is not harmful when it is consumed in moderation. You can have natural energy and tasty food without risking your health.

A well-balanced diet is essential for good health, and sweetness can make many foods more enjoyable. You can learn to appreciate the taste of natural foods without adding sugar.



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