Conor McGregor Sparring Knock Out Happened Over A Year Ago According To Jesse Vargas/Nick Diaz Trainer

There has been endless hype leading up to the Mayweather Mcgregor boxing match coming up August 26th, 2017.
Recently a rumor started that Conor was knocked out sparring for the fight with Floyd. First people were saying it was Brandon Rios who knocked him out, and then those rumors were squashed by ESNews, who called Brandon Rios, and he denied ever having met McGregor.
The rumor appears to have started with Jesse Vargas in another video, who was jogging with Brandon Rios, and Jesse made a joke about Rios having knocked out McGregor, as Rios was right in front of him. But then Jesse did say it is true that McGregor was already knocked out sparring.
Following all those rumors, Dontae’s Nation asked Dewey, who trained Jesse Vargas and Nick Diaz, and he said that it is true, and that it happened over a year ago, when Conor first got his boxing license in California. That a few fighters had an easy time with him, even out of shape.
So there is a bunch of ‘he said, she said’ going on, though Dewey is backing up Jesse Vargas on this one, saying not only can you trust what Jesse says, but that he also heard a similar story.
See the interview in the video below: