Weight Loss Programs
Losing weight is really rather easy. Keeping it off is a harder proposition. It is also important to realize that fat and weight loss are different, so ask yourself what your goals are. If the doctor has told you to lose 50 pounds prior to surgery, then that is what you have to do.
If you only want to fit into a dress for your graduation ceremony or a wedding, short term results are what you care most about. Fat loss might follow later if you can figure out a program that sticks. For now, here are some weight loss programs to think about for short term and long term results.
The Paleo Diet
This is one of the most interesting diets around because it does not work on a scientific premise about the way our bodies work now or make use of modern foods. It’s not as much about calorie counting as content. The Paleo Diet is derived from theories about what men and women ate before they became our modern ancestors.
Not everyone believes these theories for assorted reasons whether due to religious feelings or competing proposals about early diets. Whatever you think or believe, science has proven that certain foods sustain us better with fewer side effects than others and this weight loss program is one to keep, not a short-term option for blasting fat quickly.
According to the founders of the Paleo Diet, we were never designed to eat grains and legumes, which is why they are associated with so many health problems. These are relatively modern foods. Of course, we all know that processed foods are bad for us, but do you make the association between cakes and grains or forget that cake is made mostly from flour?
If we eat foods like cookies, chips, rice, pasta, and peanuts, our digestive system does not really know what to do with them causing a lot of food issues such as allergies, intolerance, and even severe reactions which can be deadly.
Even if one is merely bloated from wheat and dairy (another no-no), this is stopping the digestive system from eliminating waste and is causing people to look and feel bloated. The result is uncomfortable weight gain and sometimes bigger, chronic health issues which might have been genetically present but triggered by food. Proponents of The Paleo Diet promote it for weight loss and for better health.
The Atkins Diet
One similarity between this and the Paleo Diet is that participants end up eating more protein than otherwise and tend to let go of carbs. They are not expected to stop eating dairy or grains completely, but grains are slowly reintroduced into the diet after several weeks and only in moderation.
Dairy contains protein, so some styles are encouraged. Also, a number of vegetables and fruits are taken out for a time and the same happens with them; they are reintroduced slowly.
The problematic produce I’m talking about contains a lot of starch: potatoes, turnips, parsnips, apples, pears, and beets. Watery items such as cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, melons, and kiwi are much better choices in addition to most forms of protein.
The biggest problem with this diet is the accompanying but optional meal replacement products. They are loaded with sugar and additives. If you follow The Atkins Diet but avoid these foods, you could potentially lose a lot of weight and, like the diet above, this one can be maintained as part of a healthy lifestyle for life if you don’t crave pasta and rice too much.
Any Smoothie Diet
Whether this is a diet devoted to one color of smoothie or to a supplemental powder, smoothie diets are problematic. Among assorted problems is the sensation that you did not really eat anything. If this sort of diet makes you hungry, that could be because nothing really sticks to the sides. You aren’t satisfied after drinking a smoothie. Certain diet developers claim that their particular smoothies actually leave a person feeling satisfied, so this is up in the air.
Another problem is that when you drink your food, it’s easy to believe your calories don’t count. You just drank so you can eat something that requires bite as well, and that’s a separate issue. People often look for bite and crunch.
Without that bite, food isn’t as much fun. Smoothie diets, however, frequently contribute to detoxification, better hydration, and are nutritious. This is a great way to sneak in those leafy greens everyone tells you to eat and to lose weight rapidly for a little while.
Lemon Juice Diet
You will lose weight if you follow this system involving freshly-squeezed lemons, cayenne, maple syrup, and filtered water. The weight will not stay off, however, because no one can live without real food for long.
It’s not healthy and is potentially unsafe if continued for an extended period of time. Your body simply requires more fat and calories generally than provided here, but it’s a great detox and excellent for short-term, extreme weight loss.
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