It is tempting just to take a bottled supplement in order to supply our bodies with all the potassium it needs since most people do not know where to find it or why potassium is important. This mineral helps to regulate heart health and contributes to recovery after exercise.

It is one of the group of minerals considered an “electrolyte” and found in many foods consumers do not eat enough of or cook in unhealthy ways. While pills or powders have their place in your diet, one has to wonder how much of a nutrient the body absorbs in this fashion. Moreover, if you’re taking vitamins for nutrition, what are you actually eating? Could your regular diet be nullifying the benefits of potassium?

Cooked Right

Even if your menu contains potassium-rich foods, few people obtain enough potassium from food because of the ways they are cooked. One reason their levels are insufficient is that they fry foods or overcook them. Steam, boil, or bake foods containing potassium or eat them raw when possible. Experts suggest cooking as little as possible.

Foods Containing Potassium

It’s not hard to find a chart showing foods which contain this essential component and even to determine now much potassium they contain. In the vegetable department, you should be consuming potatoes, celery, greens, and broccoli.

Fruits full of goodness include bananas, papaya, strawberries, cantaloupe, and oranges. Try to eat more plain yogurt and milk if you are able to consume dairy products. Non-dairy or vegan eaters who prefer soy will also consume some potassium, but richer sources are likely to include assorted dried beans, lentils, and certain nuts. Fish is also a source of potassium. Try wild salmon, tuna, or halibut. Alternative sources of potassium include raisins, pork, and figs.

Recipe for Poor Health

Studies show that people with high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, and women with extreme period cramps are potentially suffering from potassium deficiency. It’s likely they aren’t getting enough of several vitamins and minerals given the state of the North American diet and its reliance on saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and sodium.

A number of the foods cited for their high levels of potassium (salmon, avocado, leafy greens, and beans, for instance) contain other nutrients typically lacking on the menu such as Omega fatty acids, fiber, and calcium.

Recipe for Heart Health

The good news is you do not have to come up with a complicated meal plan or elaborate recipes in order to consume enough potassium. As you get older, the body needs more of it. But as you age, there is usually more time to think about healthy eating too; fewer stops at the fast food drive-thru for burgers on the way to hockey and dance practices.

Parents worried about fussy kids don’t need to worry either: the list contains assorted flavors and colors. Some you won’t even have to hide in children’s food.

Certain cultures consume a lot of fish such as coastal nations: Japan and Mediterranean countries, for instance. Turn to cook books from Japan, Greece, Italy, and Southern France in order to find delectable fish recipes and select foods from these nations when eating out. North African and Middle Eastern nations are well known for their tasty use of beans and lentils, and vegetarian diners get plenty from dark green dishes.

Incorporate squash, greens, yogurt, and lima beans into a hearty soup made with chicken broth. Steam fish and present on a bed of Romaine lettuce with tomatoes and avocado drizzled with a light dressing made from olive oil and white wine vinegar. Serve a dense salad made from lentils, pistachio nuts, and white beans. Mix in finely chopped mushrooms and celery plus a handful of dried apricots or raisins. Mix with sesame oil, lemon juice, and Mediterranean herbs.