If you’re looking for the top synthetic urine available in 2017, and want one that you know actually works, you can have a nightmare of the time finding the best option. There’s so much unfortunate misleading info on this topic that it’s hard to decipher the truth from the lies.

To help you find the best available synthetic urine, we’re going to review Quick Fix Plus Version 6.1 today and tell you how it works.

Quick Fix synthetic Urine

Before You Read the Quick Fix Plus Review…

As of early April 2017, Quick Fix Plus 6.1 is still very effective. In fact, it continuously passes urine screenings every day. We always recommend buying it from a trusted source so you know what you’re getting your hands on. You don’t want to end up buying some knockoff product pretending to be the real deal.

Urine Test Confusion

Unfortunately, if you were to poll 25 people and ask them the steps they did it take to pass a urine test, you’d end up with about 25 different answers. Obviously this can be really discouraging to say the least.

There’s some really good news for you. It’s actually very easy to manipulate the results of a urine test and have them go in your favor. With a synthetic urine kit along with some other methods that we’ll talk about later, you can effectively turn a negative situation into a positive one.

It really sucks having to take a screening test but there are certainly worse things in the world to do. And even better, you should feel lucky that you aren’t being forced to take a hair follicle test, because it’s a lot harder to manipulate those results in your favor.

Will You Pass a Urine Test?

There are a number of factors involved in determining whether or not you pass a test. The last time you smoked weed is one factor. How much weed is in your system is another.

We’ll take a look at whether or not synthetic urine works, the best options, a review of our recommended favorite product – Quick Fix Plus 6.1 – and a few other products we recommend, you’ll have no trouble at all passing a urine test in the future.

Since fake urine kits have been around for a long time, it’s easy to tell the difference between the real ones and fake ones. Anyway, you don’t even have to bother now that we’re going to review the best product on the market for you today.

Can Synthetic Urine Help Me Pass a Drug Test? Does It Actually Work?

To give you a short and sweet answer, yes synthetic urine actually works. You will be able to pass a pee test if you use it.

To give you a longer and more detailed answer, yes it definitely does work but you have to use a product that you know and trust. And this is the reason why we always recommend Quick Fix Plus 6.1 to our readers.

Pro tip: Unfortunately, there are also counterfeit brands trying to pass off their fake synthetic urine as Quick Fix urine. Try to avoid these scams at all costs because we cannot guarantee the results. That’s why we always say to purchase from a trusted vendor like the one we recommend.

Interesting in learning more?  —-> Visit their site here.

Why Should I Use Quick Fix Plus Version 6.1?

For starters, the important thing to know is that every testing lab has different standards that they use during their testing. Some of the testing labs will look for a uric acid presence in their tests and some will not.

Quick Fix Plus 6.1If you aren’t sure whether or not your lab will look for uric acid, it’s not a big deal if you choose to use Quick Fix Plus Version 6.1. Why isn’t it a big deal? It’s no trouble at all because you’ll be able to pass either test with this version. And since you have no idea what type of testing the lab is going to do, you have to be prepared for the inevitable in case they do have uric acid on their test. By choosing this product, you are protected no matter what the testing company uses to determine their results.

Is It Really Worth Risking It on an Inferior Product?

More than anything else, you have to determine if it’s worth it to risk using a cheaper and inferior product. You have to be 100% confident that they are going to test for uric acid. Because if they do, and you get caught off guard, you’re going to end up failing the test and you’ll wish you have spent an extra six dollars to be fully prepared.

Yes, the new formula version 6.1 only costs six more dollars. It’s a small fee to pay instead of getting caught unawares and failing a test. And if the results get sent to another lab when you weren’t expecting it, and they test for uric acid, then you’re going to get caught with your pants down and fail the test and have to deal with the repercussions.

Is There One Fake Urine Kit That You Prefer over the Others?

At this point, you should’ve figured out that we prefer Quick Fix Plus 6.1 and feel that it is a far superior option compared to other potential choices. In fact, if you’ve been searching around online and reading different forum posts, you’ve definitely heard of this product at this point.

When it comes to fake urine options, nothing compares to version 6.1. Sure, you may have read a negative reviewer or two, but more than 99% of the people using this product end up with the ideal results and they are 100% satisfied with their purchase.

Are you ready to get your hands on this awesome product? Click here to pick some up from a trusted vendor.

A Brief Quick Fix Plus Review

All right, you might be finally convinced that using synthetic urine is a good idea. It sounds great and all and you’re starting to believe that it will work.

Why is Quick Fix Plus Version 6.1 such a good choice? For starters, it was specifically designed to mimic real urine. When the lab tests every sample, they look for specific chemicals. This brand has all the chemicals in it that a testing center will look for.

Here are some other great characteristics that make this artificial urine sample the best choice currently available today:

  • it has balanced creatine levels
  • it contains uric acid
  • it has a normal gravity rating
  • the pH levels are balanced
  • it is free of toxins
  • it has other characteristics of real urine

Clearly, this product definitely has it all. They’ve covered all the bases and have created a product that is far superior to other synthetic options on the market today.

Remember to always buy from a trusted source. You do not want to end up buying a counterfeit grand. So stick with the trusted vendors that we recommend by clicking here.

Other Urine Test Solutions That We Recommend

Maybe you prefer not to use synthetic urine. That’s your call if you feel it’s the best choice to meet your personal needs.

If that’s the case, we recommend to other options that we’d like you to know about that also help with passing a piss test.

First we recommend using detox formulas. Even though many people feel they aren’t worth the money and that you’ll fail the test, this is actually a good option if you use the product correctly. If you buy into the hype and believe the false advertising, you’re going to get burned and you’re going to end up failing a test.

Choosing the Best Quick Fix Detox Formula

If you’re going to choose a detox formula, you should stick with a company you know has products that you can trust. They offer two different options to try.

The first option is for people that weigh more than 200 pounds. It is available in cherry flavor. The second option is for people that weigh less than 200 pounds. There are two flavors available for this option: cherry and lime.

Unsure where to start? Head over to the Quick Fix Synthetic website and begin chatting with one of their representatives. They are available to talk during normal business hours. They will answer your questions, talk to you about your concerns, and help clear up any possible confusion you may have regarding the urine screening test process.

A Product to Avoid: Total Detox Friend

We’ve now taken time to recommend a few different products that we know work and are very trustworthy. We also wanted to take some time to point out a detox product that we have no faith in. This product promises the world but it does not deliver, which is unfortunate for those unsuspecting people who bought it hoping to detox their body and free their system of marijuana or other drugs.

Why do we tell you to avoid Total Detox Friend? For starters, the formula that they use is really gimmicky. It does not deliver the great results that you get from the Quick Fix Detox options.

Instead of leaving you in the lurch, you could either use the detox formulas from Quick Fix or you could always try the synthetic urine if you’re up for it. Another option is to use Absolute Detox, which is a full detox system that has an achieved great results and many people recommend this product based on experience. We are also recommending it based on experience too.

Other Synthetic Urine Brands to Avoid

Since we only recommend products that meet the highest standards, we’d like to tell you about a number of products we’ve discovered that you should avoid. We will not recommend these brands at this time because they do not have a strong reputation.

The products to avoid include:

  • U Pass
  • Powdered Urine from Test Clear
  • P-Sure
  • Monkey Whizz
  • Magnum Detox

To get the results you desire, only use synthetic urine and fake pee products that you actually trust. Since we do not trust the products above, we will not recommend them to you.

When you’re ready, visit a trusted retailer selling Quick Fix Plus Version 6.1. You can click here to find one selling the actual product and not a cheap knockoff.

Best Price:  —–>  Buy Quick Fix Online Here