Get Shredded On The Dolce Diet

That’s exactly what you are invited to do when you visit the website for the Dolce Diet: get shredded. Obviously, food isn’t going to give you a six-pack: exercise is part of that too. So what is the Dolce Diet and how are participants supposed to realize such amazing results? They use their brains, not just their brawn, and success is only 3 weeks away.
Where Do You Start?
Online images show men and women who don’t have 100 pounds to lose. They are in reasonable shape, but muscles aren’t as defined as they could be. If you are simply a few inches away from getting into a party dress, close to having the body you need to ace an audition, or nearly ready to compete at a higher level, the Dolce Diet could take you over your plateau. If your weight loss goal is more significant, this is still an excellent program, tailor-made for the individual client and entirely online.
The Diet
This is the first part of your regimen: a menu plan custom designed for you. Mike Dolce, founder of the program, tells participants they should eat every two hours in order to maintain metabolic movement, eat whole foods, and plan carefully what to buy at the grocery store. Spontaneous shopping is the number one diet destroyer. The website and your personal account are both available online and are mobile-friendly.
Workout Daily
You will receive a daily workout, something new every day. On top of the page you see the length of your workout plus the number of calories you are about to burn. These are tough routines designed by MMA professionals, but that’s what makes them so interesting. Each session is designed to use more than one muscle group at a time to maximize calorie and fat burning plus muscle and endurance building.
Stay Motivated
One of the reasons people don’t stick with a diet or exercise plan is that they can’t see any progress taking place. They look at the scales every day or every other day and there is no indication of the change going on in their bodies at a deeper level. They fail to realize that when a body is not being challenged, it can take some time to rev it up. Stay motivated by analyzing your performance as per your personal workout and diet plan.
Keep track of your starting weight and compare this to your current weight plus other data indicating what you have achieved in a short time. Moreover, Dolce believes his clients will see results in just three weeks or less, so they won’t have to wait long for the satisfaction of seeing fat burned and muscle laid down in its place.
More on Mike Dolce
Dolce is a weight management coach well known in the body building industry and among personal trainers. In his earlier days, Dolce was chubby. Today, he boasts minimal body fat. Sports writers have interviewed and profiled him in various media. His goal is to enable ordinary individuals to build bodies like weight lifters and athletes. Dolce’s success stories include celebrities who got toned in a hurry, thanks to his professional and researched approach developed during a 20-year career as a world-class athlete.
Shop with Dolce
There are lots of ways to embrace your new body: buy a shirt, pick up a book, and order The Dolce Whey protein powder. The diet plan isn’t free either: His Platinum Package costs $179.99. Plans for men or women respectively cost $129.99. Whey is considered the best protein for bodybuilders who can tolerate dairy products. His grass-fed, non-GMO Whey Protein Isolate costs $27.95: an ideal addition to your workout nutrition.
Several before-and-after photos support the reality that Dolce’s Diet can really work. One person noted how he didn’t just get the body he wanted; he overcame the pain of illness, thanks to his new diet. There are several pages of success stories: if you need extra motivation, here’s where you find it. These are real stories: some show minor changes but others are remarkable and dramatic. They could provide the evidence you need to feel inspired.