Multivitamins are usually created and marketed to appeal to a group: men, women, children, pregnant women, women trying to get pregnant, and so on. There are few general products suitable for the whole family but some brands are made for adults. The trouble is that certain nutrients are more important to women than to men. General supplements will not contain everything a woman needs for good health.

Important Nutrients for Women

Men and women alike need enough iron, B Vitamins, Omega fatty acids, and more. The skeletal, nervous, and metabolic systems are common to both sexes and rarely get the support they need from a well-balanced diet. Certain challenges, however, are more common among women than men as a result of their menstrual cycles and pregnancy. Women are also more concerned about aging as their skin seems to show signs of age more rapidly than men’s skin. Both groups face mood disorders but depression is more typical among women, especially in the post-partum period.

Here are some nutrients women should try very hard to consume regularly either as part of a sensible diet or in the form of supplements. As a general rule, leafy greens are always a healthy addition to the menu and contain much of what a modern diet is lacking.

Vitamins B, C, and D

Vitamin B deficiency is serious business. The list of potential problems related to not getting enough of the stuff includes low energy, metabolic disorders, nervous system imbalance, memory problems, pain, and depression. Obtain Vitamin B in foods such as chicken, cheese, and yogurt.

Vitamin C is the anti-scurvy vitamin, although scurvy is rare in North America. Oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, lemon, and other citrus fruits and juices are widely available in supermarkets, and if you live in the southern states you could even be growing your own. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen which is good for your skin (anti-aging) but also the production of cartilage and tendons. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which fights cancer cells and other immunity attackers. It’s also important for bone health.

Summertime is the best time to absorb Vitamin D simply by soaking up some sun, but winter is a dreadful season during which to find and feel its rays. This critical nutrient required for a body to fully absorb calcium also helps a body fight depression. You will find it in fortified products (cereals and milk) plus egg yolks and fatty fish.


Women who can drink milk should be sure to consume at least a couple of glasses daily plus other dairy, broccoli, and almonds. Women with an allergy or intolerance to dairy might want to try a milk alternative (soy, hemp, coconut, or almond milk) or calcium-enriched foods. Your bones, teeth, and hair will thank you. Calcium is also important to metabolic health (energy and hormones).


The three amigos in this list are calcium, Vitamin D, and magnesium: that is, they work best as a trio. The body uses magnesium to support blood sugar levels, bone and heart health, and metabolic regularity. You find magnesium in seeds, nuts, and whole grains.


Health food followers went crazy a decade ago when they discovered their insomnia might be cured if they took this supplement as a capsule or a cream. Bodies produce it, but not always in sufficient amounts, and without balanced levels of melatonin you probably will not get the sleep you need. Melatonin also helps to regulate menstrual cycles during the year and throughout a woman’s life (the reproductive stages) as it promotes the regular release or hormones and hormone production at an appropriate rate.


Men have trouble with gas too, but it seems women are more likely to report bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and other gastric troubles than men are. A healthy digestive system is unlikely to suffer from irritability because bad bacteria simply can’t get a foothold. The good bacteria (live active bacteria or probiotics) are too healthy. If you eat miso soup, kimchi, or yogurt, your gut will be in good shape.

Grape Seed Oil and Resveratrol

Fight the signs of aging from within by taking extracts and eating foods rich in skin-healthy components. Grape Seed Oil supports brain health, plus production of collagen and elastin (the latter makes your skin stretchy). Red wine, grapes, and grape juice contain cholesterol-fighting resveratrol which is also used in many anti-aging products because it’s good for your blood vessels.


You don’t need to worry too much about this nutrient if you aren’t in your childbearing years anymore or trying to have kids. If you are trying to get pregnant, this is an essential component of a baby’s nervous system health.

Best Women’s Supplements

The top six supplements for women are Mega Food Women’s One Daily, GNC Women’s Ultra Mega, Vitabase Active, Metabolic Maintenance FemOne, One-A-Day for Women, and Puritan’s Pride women’s multi. Let’s take a closer look.

1. One-a-Day

Many consumers and consumer review sites list this as their top multi-vitamin for women. It contains more of the nutrients women need and in higher concentrations than almost every other vitamin on the market.

2. Mega Food

This whole food supplement is easy to digest and features an alphabet-soup mixture of top nutrients (B-vitamins, C, D, and E). Calcium, magnesium, folate, and iron are also on the menu.

3. GNC Women’s Ultra

GNC makes an affordable product that’s pretty good at giving ladies what they need. That includes 37 nutrients. Women get 100% of their daily recommended dose of 20 vitamins.

4. Metabolic Maintenance FemOne

Here’s another well-rounded dietary supplement, but especially good for women in the childbearing years. Metabolic Maintenance FemOne also contains iron, but be sure you aren’t taking too much iron as this can cause constipation.

5. Vitabase Active

Many vitamins these days are marketed for the active woman. They act as a reminder that a strong body isn’t found in a bottle. Vitabase Active was designed for older women and promotes urinary and menopausal health.

6. Puritan’s Pride

Another bargain product, Puritan’s Pride is great for immunity, strong bones, and defends a woman’s nervous and metabolic systems.