22 Minute Hard Corps
At Beach Body, a new slogan – deploying soon — is attached to their latest Beach Body workout. This is the 22 Minute Hard Corps, a boot camp-inspired series of moves designed to make you strong in mind and body.
Just think of someone in the armed services: his fitness, stamina, and mental strength to endure pain and stress. Is that you? Would you like it to be? Can you stand just 22 minutes of fitness daily? If you want to melt fat and build muscle, fall in.
What Is the 22 Minute Hard Corps All About?
BeachBody’s latest video series features a no-nonsense workout led by Tony Horton, a fitness veteran you might have seen in other Beach Body videos.
His techniques have brought success to countless individuals who either started out with many pounds to lose or were already athletic but wanted to be trimmer.
As they say at BeachBody, your new shape won’t be simply handed over: participants will have to work for it. When you commit to the job, however, Horton will supply the means and motivation that will help you get past your previous plateaus and excuses.
Expect to burn fat and become stronger at the same time. There’s no new science behind this approach; just the same old dogged determination that helps thousands of Americans become and stay fit every year.
Simple System
This series is not complicated or long-winded. In fact, Beach Body promises “fitness doesn’t get much simpler than this.” All you have to do is follow orders and stay on track. Participants will be sweating hard in your own living rooms and feeling just a little bit more patriotic.
If you were ever afraid of military men and their famous rigidity, Horton won’t intimidate. The only thing that might scare you is the work but, remember: it’s just 22 minutes of your life every day.
Most people can fit that into a busy life somewhere. Try the early morning before everyone else is up for breakfast. Pick out a half our before bed and sleep like the dead.
Involve others like your kids. If they have a short attention span, no worries: this takes less than half an hour, and if they drop out before you do, see that as a sign you are fitter than your children.
Keep reminding yourself why this workout is important and the goal you want to achieve. No one else is going to accomplish that goal for you.
Horton’s Method
Tony Horton has toured military bases worldwide and trained members of the armed services. Fitness helps to hone their reflexes, prevent injury, and make a marine or soldier safer.
His latest product was inspired by and honors those men and women who put their lives on the line. All you have to lose is fat. Sign up now to learn more and you could earn a free kit.
More from Beach Body
This world-renowned American fitness and weight loss company has released many muscle-building and fat-loss series including Insanity, Max 30, Hammer & Chisel Master program, and 21 Day Fit Extreme, all available on DVD.